Blog | Suger

How Suger’s Data & Integration Capabilities Drive Co-Sell Success

Written by Stacy | Sep 11, 2024 5:54:45 PM

The Hidden Challenges of Cloud Marketplace

Are you constantly battling the manual tracking of transactions across multiple cloud marketplaces? Does managing complex metering and revenue recognition overwhelm your finance and sales teams? Do co-sell opportunities and private offers often slip through the cracks due to disconnected systems or manual errors?

Cloud marketplaces are essential for growth, but effectively using them to drive co-sell partnerships and revenue is challenging. This blog highlights key pain points for sales and revenue operations teams, and how Suger’s automation and integration solve them.

1. Managing Marketplace Transactions: The Struggle to Keep Up

Once a buyer commits to a marketplace deal, the complexity of managing private offers, renewals, and entitlements starts. Without streamlined workflows, tracking and booking these deals becomes tedious and prone to errors, leading to delays.

Suger automates the entire process from deal submission to renewals, utilizing backend mapping and customizable templates to give your sales and revenue operations teams full visibility into transactions.

Companies like Vanta successfully scaled operations and climbed the AWS ISV partner ranking by using native API integrations—such as CRM systems, AWS ACE, and reporting tools—to automate processes ranging from sharing opportunities to collaborating with AWS.

2. Simplify Co-Sell Opportunities: Staying in Bi-directional Sync

Managing co-sell opportunities is critical for revenue growth, but sales teams often struggle to track approvals. Meanwhile, buyers need an efficient way to accept or reject private offers without delays. Suger integrates with Salesforce and AWS ACE to sync stages and automate referrals, keeping both platforms in sync.

For example, Suger helped Jumpcloud increase marketplace revenue by 5x by automating co-sell collaboration with AWS, allowing sales teams to qualify prospects earlier and better manage procurement cycles.

3. CPQ Integration and Offers Management: Simplifying the Complex

Creating private offers from marketplace opportunities can be complex. Accepted quotes need to be pulled into the system, product codes mapped accurately, and approvals managed in real-time.

Suger’s CPQ integration streamlines this process by auto-generating offers from opportunities and populating data from accepted quotes. It maps line items to payment installments for multi-year deals and aligns product codes with pricing dimensions for automatic commit selection, reducing manual work and accelerating the sales cycle.

4. Metering and Revenue Recognition: Navigating Complex usage based Billing

One of the biggest challenges ISVs face is managing metering and overage billing. Tracking consumption-based models, splitting entitlements, and handling monthly or annual overages can quickly become a logistical headache, especially when accurate revenue recognition is crucial for financial reporting. 

By integrating with Lago, Metronome, and Orb, Suger automates overage billing tasks and links buyer and entitlement data, ensuring accurate tracking and billing. All billing tasks can be retrieved within the workflow without manual intervention.

5. Real-Time Communication and Notifications: Staying Ahead of Issues

In cloud marketplaces, operations teams need to know when something goes wrong—whether it’s a failed transaction, a billing error, or a missed co-sell opportunity. Manually tracking these issues is not only inefficient but risks leaving critical problems unresolved.

Suger’s automated notification system sends real-time alerts for both successful tasks and issues, such as invalid records or approved opportunities. This keeps the operations team informed and ensures quick responses to maintain smooth operations.

Unlock Untapped Potential with a Streamlined Approach

The flow of market opportunities determines the speed of business growth, and seamless data flow drives cloud partnership success. Disjointed data, manual workflows, and missed co-sell deals hinder the potential to maximize marketplace success. This is where Suger steps in. 

As an API-driven platform, Suger simplifies every aspect of your Cloud Marketplace GTM strategy—from listing products to managing co-sell partnerships and automating billing. With Suger, easy to start, easy to grow, easy to scale. Learn more about what we do.